
Weather in Yvelines for April 2025

Your guide to Yvelines weather in April - trends and predictions
  • In general, the average temperature in Yvelines at the beginning of April is 13.9 °C. As the month progressed, temperatures tended to slightly increase, reaching an average of 14 °C by the end of April.

  • The climate of Yvelines in April is notably wet, with an average of 12 rainy days.

  • Is April a good time to visit Yvelines? check out the best time to travel to Yvelines page.

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Average dry days
Dry days
Average rainy days
Rainy days
Average snowy days
Snow days
Average temperatures
Average wind speed
19 km/h
Avg max wind
Average humidity
74 %
Avg humidity

Yvelines in April average weather

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Temperatures trend during April in Yvelines

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April weather day by day

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Date Weather Temperatures Rain UV More
1 Apr. Moderate or heavy rain shower
Moderate or heavy rain shower
12° /6° 3.9 mm 3
2 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
13° /6° 1.5 mm 3
3 Apr. Sunny
14° /5° 3.1 mm 4
4 Apr. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
13° /6° 7.6 mm 4
5 Apr. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
15° /6° 0 mm 4
6 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
17° /9° 0.6 mm 5
7 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
13° /7° 2.5 mm 3
8 Apr. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
17° /6° 3.3 mm 4
9 Apr. Overcast
14° /5° 0.5 mm 4
10 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
15° /6° 1.4 mm 4
11 Apr. Moderate rain at times
Moderate rain at times
14° /7° 3 mm 4
12 Apr. Moderate or heavy rain shower
Moderate or heavy rain shower
16° /8° 6.6 mm 4
13 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
17° /8° 1.2 mm 4
14 Apr. Moderate or heavy rain shower
Moderate or heavy rain shower
13° /6° 2.8 mm 4
15 Apr. Heavy rain at times
Heavy rain at times
13° /6° 4.7 mm 3
16 Apr. Overcast
13° /4° 0.6 mm 3
17 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
11° /4° 1 mm 3
18 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
13° /3° 1 mm 4
19 Apr. Overcast
14° /5° 0.5 mm 4
20 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
10° /4° 0.5 mm 3
21 Apr. Heavy rain at times
Heavy rain at times
11° /3° 2.3 mm 3
22 Apr. Moderate or heavy rain shower
Moderate or heavy rain shower
12° /4° 7.6 mm 3
23 Apr. Moderate or heavy rain shower
Moderate or heavy rain shower
11° /4° 9.9 mm 3
24 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
10° /4° 1.5 mm 3
25 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
10° /2° 0.9 mm 3
26 Apr. Overcast
13° /4° 1 mm 3
27 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
17° /8° 0.9 mm 4
28 Apr. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
16° /10° 3.3 mm 4
29 Apr. Overcast
16° /7° 0 mm 4
30 Apr. Cloudy
16° /9° 1.6 mm 4
Important Notice
Our weather forecast for Yvelines in April is based on the analysis of historical data rather than real-time forecast models. While this provides a general overview, weather conditions can change. We recommend that you check the Yvelines forecast closer to your planned date for the most up-to-date weather information.

Yvelines in April - FAQ

What are the expected maximum and minimum temperatures in Yvelines during April?
Prepare for cooler days with highs just around 15° and colder nights, dipping below 4°.
How much rainfall should be expected in Yvelines during April?
Significant rainfall exceeding 150 mm is expected in Yvelines during April, occurring over more than 12 days. Preparing for wet conditions is recommended in your planning.
What are the typical wind conditions in Yvelines during April?
The average wind speed in Yvelines during April is 19 km/h, suggesting breezy to windy conditions, depending on your activities.

What to pack to Yvelines in April?

As you prepare for your trip to Yvelines in April, it's important to consider the typical weather patterns for the time of year. Below is a carefully tailored packing list to ensure that your time in Yvelines, during April, is comfortable and enjoyable, regardless of the weather conditions.

  • Clothing
    • Warm Clothing: Sweaters, hoodies, long pants
    • Rain Gear: Lightweight, waterproof clothing
  • Footwear
    • Waterproof Shoes
  • Accessories
    • Scarves: To protect you from the cold wind
    • Gloves/Mittens: Essential for cold weather
    • Warm Hats: Warm hats for insulation in cold weather
    • Umbrellas/Raincoats: For rainy days
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Get accurate weather forecasts for Yvelines, located at latitude 48.804 and longitude 2.134. Stay updated with localized weather information tailored for Yvelines.

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