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Weather in Cluj-Napoca for October 2024

Your guide to Cluj-Napoca weather in October - trends and predictions
  • Until now, October 2024 in Cluj-Napoca is slightly cooler than the historical average by -1.4 °C.

  • Expect cooler weather in the next days in Cluj-Napoca with the forecast suggesting a temperature of 14.9 °C, lower than the historical average.

  • In general, the average temperature in Cluj-Napoca at the beginning of October is 17.1 °C. As the month progressed, temperatures tended to moderately fall, reaching an average of 15.9 °C by the end of October.

  • Cluj-Napoca sees moderate rainfall in October, averaging 8 rainy days.

  • Is October a good time to visit Cluj-Napoca? check out the best time to travel to Cluj-Napoca page.

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Average dry days
Dry days
Average rainy days
Rainy days
Average snowy days
Snow days
Average temperatures
Average wind speed
14 km/h
Avg max wind
Average humidity
60 %
Avg humidity

Cluj-Napoca in October average weather

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Temperatures trend during October in Cluj-Napoca

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October weather day by day

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Date Weather Temperatures Rain UV More
1 Oct. Cloudy
16° /8° 0 mm 4
2 Oct. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
17° /6° 0 mm 5
3 Oct. Sunny
18° /9° 0 mm 5
4 Oct. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
20° /11° 1 mm 5
5 Oct. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
17° /10° 2.6 mm 5
6 Oct. Overcast
15° /9° 1.2 mm 4
7 Oct. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
17° /8° 0.1 mm 5
8 Oct. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
19° /5° 0.1 mm 5
9 Oct. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
15° /6° 0.9 mm 5
10 Oct. Light drizzle
Light drizzle
14° /7° 0.6 mm 4
11 Oct. Overcast
16° /8° 2.2 mm 4
12 Oct. Sunny
18° /9° 0.1 mm 5
13 Oct. Cloudy
17° /9° 0 mm 5
14 Oct. Sunny
19° /8° 0 mm 5
15 Oct. Light rain
Light rain
13° /6° 4.9 mm 4
16 Oct. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
12° /4° 0 mm 4
17 Oct. Overcast
11° /3° 0 mm 3
18 Oct. Sunny
12° /3° 0 mm 4
19 Oct. Light drizzle
Light drizzle
12° /3° 0.6 mm 4
20 Oct. Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
23° /10° 0.4 mm 5
21 Oct. Sunny
20° /10° 0 mm 6
22 Oct. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
22° /13° 0 mm 6
23 Oct. Sunny
17° /5° 0 mm 0.5
24 Oct. Sunny
16° /6° 0 mm 0.4
25 Oct. Sunny
17° /6° 0 mm 0.6
26 Oct. Sunny
18° /7° 0 mm 4
27 Oct. Sunny
18° /7° 0 mm 3
28 Oct. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
17° /8° 0 mm 4
29 Oct. Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
17° /8° 0 mm 4
30 Oct. Cloudy
13° /8° 0.1 mm 3
31 Oct. Sunny
11° /3° 0 mm 3
Important Notice
Our weather forecast for Cluj-Napoca in October is based on the analysis of historical data rather than real-time forecast models. While this provides a general overview, weather conditions can change. We recommend that you check the Cluj-Napoca forecast closer to your planned date for the most up-to-date weather information.

Cluj-Napoca in October - FAQ

What are the expected maximum and minimum temperatures in Cluj-Napoca during October?
Enjoy moderate daytime temperatures of up to 17° and cooler nights around 8°. Ideal for a range of outdoor activities, from hiking to city tours.
How much rainfall should be expected in Cluj-Napoca during October?
In October, Cluj-Napoca can expect light to moderate rainfall, totaling 21.1 mm across approximately 8 days. Occasional showers are possible, and planning ahead for them could be helpful.
What are the typical wind conditions in Cluj-Napoca during October?
The average wind speed in Cluj-Napoca during October is 14 km/h, suggesting breezy to windy conditions, depending on your activities.

What to pack to Cluj-Napoca in October?

As you prepare for your trip to Cluj-Napoca in October, it's important to consider the typical weather patterns for the time of year. Below is a carefully tailored packing list to ensure that your time in Cluj-Napoca, during October, is comfortable and enjoyable, regardless of the weather conditions.

  • Clothing
    • Warm Clothing: Sweaters, hoodies, long pants
    • Rain Gear: Lightweight, waterproof clothing
  • Accessories
    • Scarves: To protect you from the cold wind
    • Gloves/Mittens: Essential for cold weather
    • Warm Hats: Warm hats for insulation in cold weather
    • Umbrellas/Raincoats: For rainy days

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Get accurate weather forecasts for Cluj-Napoca, located at latitude 46.767 and longitude 23.6. Stay updated with localized weather information tailored for Cluj-Napoca.

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